About Us

The passion for flight, a love of the sport of aerobatics, and the precision needed to maneuver an aircraft is what David Z. Mafrige exemplifies. This formula makes for an airshow performance, both in air and on the ground, that is second to none.

With both parents as licensed pilots, Mafrige was exposed to airplanes and flying at a very young age, a passion he has taken into his adult life. A pilot of 14 years, Mafrige is rated as a Commercial / Instrument pilot in both single and multi-engined aircraft. However, it is the thrill of the flight, the pushing of the envelope from +10G to -10G coupled with the reaction of the audience that makes this pilot want to strap in and fly aerobatics.

Mafrige's interest in acrobatic flying is multi-faceted. He owns and operates Sack-O-Grande Acroport in Katy, Texas. This private airport holds a surface waiver acrobatic box which is made available to those involved in the sport. Mafrige promotes the sport through his involvement as President of the local IAC Chapter 25 as well as having been Director / Sponsor for one of the largest regional aerobatic competitions in the country. He has competed in the sport since 1997, and worked his way up to the Unlimited Class of competitors.

The aircraft David Z. Mafrige maneuvers is a modified CAP 232, a World Class Unlimited aircraft, which he calls "The Texas Predator II". This plane is designed to roll at the rate of 420 degrees per second, a vertical penetration in access of 2000 feet, and outperforms any other aircraft in tumble maneuvers. The twelve minute show includes crowd pleasing maneuvers like The Texas Twister, a twelve rotation torque roll, The Grinder, and The Mafrige Pinwheel. Rolls, spins, loops, hammerheads, tumbles, and much more are incorporated throughout this acrobatic performance. Mafrige leaves his audience with a breathtaking view of The Texas Predator streaking across the sky in a knife-edge pass with controlled tumbles.

When David is not performing, he can be found in his hometown of Houston, Texas. His company, David Z. Mafrige Interests, recently celebrated its 14th anniversary in commercial real estate investment and management of properties throughout southeast Texas. David's wife of 16 years, and their two children act as support crew in his flying adventures.

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